Outside of the anthill, they will leave behind explosions that will result in their deaths. Roaches - Roaches wear gas masks and leave behind trails of stench.Fire Ants - Ants with wings that can also spew out fire.She can only be damaged by the ball form and will also spit out blobs of honey that can generate bee larvae and bees. Queen Bee - The queen of the bee hive.If Rollie is in ball form, they will attempt to pound him with their fists instead. They will attempt to shoot him by using their stingers as projectiles which also results in their death. Drone Bees - Muscular bees that roam the bee hive.They can be dispatched by being squashed or kicked. Bee Larvae - These enemies appear inside the bee hive.Bees - Bees will fly after Rollie in an attempt to sting him.Caterpillars - This enemies behave exactly like slugs but are larger.Snakes - Snakes will eat the player if they run into the grass in certain levels resulting in an instant kill.Bats - Bats will eat the Rollie and the dragonfly if they fly over the wooden fence resulting in an instant kill.Dragonflies - Dragonflies will give Rollie a ride and allow him to access higher places and to fly over obstacles that are too high to jump over.

The player controls a rolly polly named Rollie McFly who must save the land of Bugdom from the evil Fire Ants and their leader King Thorax.